Lebanese Economic Organization Visits BIAT
Chairman Mr. Toufic Dabbousi of Chamber of Commerce of Tripoli and North Lebanon invited the Lebanese Economic Organization to visit BIAT premises on February 12, 2014.The organization took a tour in BIAT Branches and met with its freelancers and Incubates.
BIAT’s director, Mr. Fawaz Hamidi introduced BIAT’s mission and activities around business support and SME development in its two branches in Akkar and Tripoli in addition to other areas in North Lebanon. Along with BIAT accomplishments and services, Mr. Fawaz Hamidi revealed BIAT’s new soap product “Clemence” which found appreciation from the organization. Clemence is a traditional soap product launched by BIAT’s Industrial Space.
The visitors wished BIAT progress on their unique product to add to BIAT’s achievements.
From left to right:Mr. Fawaz Hamidi (BIAT’s Director), Mr. Toufic Dabbousi(General secretary of Union of Chambers and President of Chamber of Commerce of Tripoli and North Lebanon ),Mr. Adnan Kassar (Life time chamber leader and former Minister of Economy and Trade).
Group photo.