Poland Ambassador Visit

The Republic of Poland is a democratic state ruled by law, implementing the rules of social justice, safeguarding the independence and integrity of its territory, ensuring the freedoms and rights of persons and citizens and the security of the citizens, safeguarding the national heritage and ensuring the protection of the natural environment in line with the principle of sustainable development of social communication. The Republic of Poland ensures the freedom of belief, religion and philosophy, and it protects marriage, understood as the union of a man and a woman, the family, motherhood and parenthood. A social market economy, based on freedom of economic activity, private ownership and solidarity, dialogue and cooperation between social partners, is the basis of the economic system of the Republic of Poland.

Group photo : During the visit of their Excellencies to BIAT

Representatives of the Polish Embassy in Beirut visit Tripoli:

On the 11th of June 2015, the Ambassador of Poland together with the Deputy Head of Mission visited Tripoli. Throughout their stay, they met with the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Tripoli and North Lebanon, Mr. Tawfik Dabbusi, Mayor of Tripoli Amer El Rafehi, the Mufti of Tripoli in North Lebanon Sheik Malek al-Shaar and ended their visit with Mr. Fawaz Hamidi director of BIAT, Business Incubation Association in Tripoli.

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The talks were focused on boosting business and cultural exchange with Tripoli and the entire northern Lebanon district. The representatives familiarized themselves with the socio-economic in Tripoli, as well as, learned about development plans of the city. Furthermore, Mr. Fawaz proceeded with exhibiting BIAT’s achievement from 2006 till this our day shedding the light on the importance of staying in the same enthusiasm to foster better quality of opportunities, jobs and facilities for the entrepreneurs and the upcoming generation. On the closing stages, the ambassador was impressed with the happy news and the promising future BIAT is setting along with the bulk enterprises awaiting the North and Tripoli in particular.

Group photo:  During the visit of their Excellencies to the municipality of Tripoli.

Group photo:During the visit of their Excellency to Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Tripoli.