PRIME “Promoting Intergenerational Learning in the Mediterranean Countries” is a project co-financed by the EU through the European cross-border cooperation program ENPI CBC MED with non-European Mediterranean areas.
The project aims to foster intergenerational learning within gold/silversmith and gemologists, develop transferable mentoring schemes for intergenerational learning, and transfer of core skills in the gold/silversmith and gemology sector in an implementation period of 2 years.
Mr. Fawaz Hamidi (BIAT Director) – During kick-off meeting day 1
In total, the project will train and mentor 40 family businesses in the gold and silversmith industry (12/15 per country) and 90 young entrepreneurs (20/30 per country). Each country will have from 6 to 8 bags formobility and study visits to be awarded to young entrepreneurs in the sector (for a total of 50 scholarships to be awarded throughout the project).
BIAT team Mr. Fawaz Hamidi (Director) and Ms. Guida Minkara (Project Coordination Officer) along with non-European partners attended the kick- off meeting of PRIME which was held on February 20 and 21, 2014 in Italy/Rome. The meeting was hosted by the lead partner: Rome Institute for Entrepreneurial Training (IRFI).
From Lebanon: Notre Dame University (NDU) and Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon.
From Greece: “The Greece Association of Silversmith & Jewelry Manifacture”, “MOKUME” and “Omega Technology”.
From Egypt: Jewelry Technology Centre.
The kick-off meeting was also attended by representatives from JMA “Joint Managing Authority” of the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme, JTS “Joint Technical Secretariat”, and guests from the gold/silversmith industry from Rome /Italy.