The artistic nature and authenticity of cultural products are an integral and precious aspect of a nation’s history, heritage and civilization. As such, nations around the world invest great efforts to promote, sustain and sometimes revive their people’s cultural heritage.

Based on this premise, and the belief in the necessity of supporting, maintaining and evolving this sector, BIAT, in collaboration with the Union of Municipalities of Koura, Mayor of Kousba, and the CCIAT, organized a Soap Exhibition in Kesba, Koura, on the 14th of April, to aid soap manufacturers in North Lebanon, transform soap production, from a traditional handicraft into a heritage industry that is unique and Lebanese in identity.

A variety of Soap manufacturers from North Lebanon participated in the exhibition by displaying their products, which included olive oil soaps, perfumed oils and other products related to this heritage industry.

From left to right; BIAT Director Mr. Fawaz Hamidi, Representative of CCTA, Mr. Tawfiq Dabbousy,  Mayor of the Municipality of Kousba, Mr. Akel Jirj and Mayor of the Union of Municipalities of Koura, Mr. Karim Bou Karim.

The Exhibition

Adnan Ouwaida and Brothers Company

Salwa Soap

Joyful shoppers