World Bank Minutes of Meeting

Mr. Fawaz Hamidi, BIAT’s director, had embraced the invitees and shed the light on the importance of BIAT’s role in supporting their mission to create wide range of jobs to enhance the amenities given to Tripoli in particular and the North in general. Mr. Hatem Othman’s mission from Telepathy was to create around 1,000 jobs in the upcoming 6 months that if they encountered a convenient access to finance. Mr. Othman mentioned that they are in need of a smart investor, mainly who’s able to invest in operations and not just in capital. Furthermore, Dr. Mohamad Chamsine and Engineer Doha Benni , Union of Al Fayhaa Municipalities , revealed on their project’s mission about waste sorting with a budget of $ 1 million funded by the EU. They claimed that the factory is able to sort around 3,000 Tons of waste per day with 3 employees shift. However, and due to the severe situation caused by theSyrian Crisis, the waste quantity increased gradually from 3,200 to 4,500 Tons per year especially in the summer period. To add, the sorted waste will be sold. Also they mentioned that the construction of the factory is almost done nevertheless the operations are under the private companies responsibilities.

Proceeding with the Agriculture sector, Mr. Hamze Obeid and Mr. Mema Kareh explained the main problems facing the agricultural sector. First, the export is very expensive. Second, the jobs are way limited. Third, lack of capacity building and financing from Ministry of Agriculture.Forth, there is a lack of competencies of the existed Agricultural engineers. As we come to the IT Association, we stop by Mr. Bassel Haj, who in his role highlighted the problems facing the IT profession in the region. Despite, the skilled IT professionals, the financial capabilities are very humble that can’t afford such salaries. In addition, there’s an existing gap between the market need and the degrees of students. Moving to the section of funding, we talk here about Kafalat by Mr. Christian Atieh. He said that the agriculture sectorin North Lebanon is operating well this year. Moreover, he mentioned that the default rate for all sectors is 2%. Least and not last, approaching the Tripoli Port, Mrs. Rouba Mecsasi mentioned that after the Syrian crisis the transit activity increased gradually. She added that the export of scrub is about 2,300 per year. Finally, and as we come to the SMEs, they shed the light on the awareness of the market need , family businesses, guarantees required by the banks , loan process and other.

On the closing stages, Mr. Fawaz Hamidi said that he is very optimistic with the upcoming near future opportunities and with the positive spirits flowing inside the North aiming in enriching the capabilities of the entrepreneurs and the future pioneers with the promising jobs and the infinite amenities.He added that what can build from Lebanon a promising future is the only dedication and perseverance of us. BIAT assures that the ongoing functions will overwhelm the city with an educational, social and developing nature that emphasize the awareness of the society, build healthier opportunities and enhance the flourishing facilities inside the North.